Ep 19: Dad Panel Part 2: Breakthroughs from the Power of Positive Parenting
The dads are back! It’s Part 2 of our amazing dad panel, and our six dads have so many more fun anecdotes and inspiring insights for you! We don’t go into sports, jobs, or hobbies without training and mentorship, so our dads ask, “Why would we do that with parenting?” They’re here to acknowledge how the power of positive parenting has impacted their lives, and how it takes commitment, continual learning, and new skills to be an empowering force in their children’s lives. Breakthrough after breakthrough have come as a result of their efforts for their families.
As each dad shares their parenting wins, we get to learn about how they transformed their family culture with shared goals and direction, became the kind of parent that their child comes to when they’re having a breakdown, fixed their hectic morning routines, and so much more. The episode is full of heartfelt, tear-jerking messages of love and commitment and serves as a powerful reminder that through mentorship, commitment, community, and heart, you can succeed and thrive as a parent.
Topics we covered in Dad Panel Part 2: Breakthroughs from the Power of Positive Parenting.
What wins and breakthroughs have had a lasting impact on your family?
Transforming your family into a team with shared goals and direction.
Becoming the kind of parent that your child comes to for your love, compassion, and emotional regulation when they’re having a breakdown.
Finding the right tools to fix the hectic morning routine and go from being late to school nearly every day to arriving early.
Leaning into the superpower of goofiness and play to intrinsically motivate kids.
The reminder that through mentorship, commitment, community, and heart, you can succeed and thrive as a parent.
Hope you enjoyed this episode of Dad Panel Part 2: Breakthroughs from the Power of Positive Parenting and discovered meaningful insights to support your family.
Discover more about our signature yearlong program for parents and caregivers, The Family Foundations Immersion, at https://bit.ly/RORImmersion.
Go to www.thecalmempoweredparent.com to get your free copy of Vanessa’s Calm Parent Strategy Guide, to submit a question, to stay up to date with upcoming events, and to explore how to bring one of Vanessa’s low-cost workshops to your school or group.
Music by Jabari Martin instagram.com/iamstolenartifacts.