Ep 15: Ask Vanessa Anything: How to Deal with Sibling Jealousy and Overcome Shame with Practical Parenting Strategies
How can I help my child overcome feelings of shame? How can we set routines that work for everyone in the family? These are questions asked by parents like you, and Vanessa is here to help, providing strategies for getting on the same page as a family and navigating difficult feelings and emotions, including how to deal with sibling jealousy. Vanessa tackles each question with anecdotes that will make you feel seen and classroom and kid-tested practices that will help you feel equipped with strategies to tackle issues in your home, whether they’re with toddlers or teenagers.
Here are the questions covered by Vanessa including minimizing emotional outbursts, how to deal with sibling jealousy, and much more.
How can I support my child through and minimize emotional outbursts that include hitting, throwing, and crying?
In the face of challenging behaviors, how do we get on the same page as parents and find common ground when it comes to disciplining our child?
How can I help my child overcome feelings of shame?
How to deal with sibling jealousy and rivalry and set routines that work for everyone in the family?
What’s the best way to navigate the journey of tweens wanting to fit in above all else?
Is there anything I can do to help my teenager be more affectionate towards me?
There’s usually something for everyone in these live coaching episodes! Let us know what tool or strategy stood out to you.
Go to www.thecalmempoweredparent.com to get your free copy of Vanessa’s Calm Parent Strategy Guide, to submit a question, to stay up to date with upcoming events, and to explore how to bring one of Vanessa’s low-cost workshops to your school or group.
Music by Jabari Martin instagram.com/iamstolenartifacts.